Worship time - Sunday Mornings at
10:00 am Office hours – Thursday Mornings from
9am to 12pm Voicemails and emails are
checked frequently Phone: 613-374-2777 or 613-372
2525 Email: office@h-vpastoralcharge.org Mission Statement: The mission of Trinity United Church is to be the ears, eyes feet,
hands and heart of Christ in the Harrowsmith-Verona area, and in the
world. The
scriptural basis for this is 1 Corinthians 12:27 - "Now you are
the body of Christ and individually members of it". Land Acknowledgement: Trinity United Church
acknowledges the traditional territory upon which we gather. For thousands of years, the First Peoples
sought to walk gently on this land.
They offered assistance to the first European travelers and shared
their knowledge for survival. We seek
a new relationship with the First Peoples of this land, one based in honour
and deep respect. |
Facility Calendar |