Worship Time: 10 am at Trinity, Verona

Office Phone: 613-372-2525 or 613-374-2777

Retired Voluntary Minister: The Rev’d. Ian MacKay

Licensed Lay Worship Leader: Sheila Anthony

Office Administrator: Rebecca Peters

Director of Music: Stan Stinchcombe





Website: www.h-vpastoralcharge.org

e-mail: office@h-vpastoralcharge.org





























The Mission of Trinity United Church is to be the ears, eyes, feet, hands and heart of Christ in the Harrowsmith-Verona area and in the world


Trinity United Church acknowledges the traditional territory upon which we gather. For thousands of years, the First Peoples sought to walk gently on this land. They offered assistance to the first European travelers and shared their knowledge for survival. We seek a new relationship with the First Peoples of this land, one based in honour and deep respect.





April 21, 2024

Easter 4- Good Shepherd Sunday

Lay Reader: John McDougall



Welcome and Announcements:

Introit: Here, O My God

We Gather


Lighting the Christ Candle:


One: This light reminds us that God is fully and completely with us now and through this day.


(The Christ candle is lit)


Call to Worship: (Responsively)

One: Day by day, God leads us:


All: to the deep, deep pools of peace, to the green lush lawns of grace.

One: Day by day, Jesus calls us:


All: to pour out ourselves in service, to anoint the stranger with hope.

One: Day by day, the Holy Spirit shows us:


All: the community we could be, the family we are called to become.


**Hymn: VU #747 “The Lord’s My Shepherd


Opening Prayer: (Unison)


All: Loving Shepherd, you know our names; you care for us. When we face darkness and death, walk beside us. When we hunger for your love, fill us with your presence. When we are fearful, feed us at your table. May we dwell in the house of goodness and mercy all the days of our life. Amen.


A Time for Silent Prayer

Words of Assurance:


One: Never does the love of God forsake us. Always does the love of God forgive us. Let that be a source of assurance and the morning’s good word.


All: Glory be to God!


**Hymn: VU #151 “Lift High the Cross”


Anthem: VU #269 “The Care the Eagle Gives Her Young


We Give Back


Mission and Service


Dedication of our Offerings:

VU #540


All: Grant us, God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully.


Prayer: Gracious God, we bring these gifts as symbols of our openness to your Spirit of truth and love, your Spirit of justice and peace, your Spirit of life stirring within us and our world; in Christ’s name, Amen.


Youth Time

**Hymn: MV #40 “Never Ending Joy ”


The Lord’s Prayer:


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen


(Children and teachers may leave for Sunday School)


We Listen



Psalm 23 (Pg. 476) (The Lord: the Shepherd of His People)

John 10: 22-30 ( Pg. 934) ( The Shepherd knows His sheep)


Following the Readings:

One: The Spirit speaks and we listen.


All: God, let our hearts be moved.


Message: “The Shepherd’s Voice”


Hymn: MV #90 “Don’t Be Afraid ” sung twice (please remain seated)


Prayers of the People


We are Sent Forth


**Closing Hymn: VU #211 “Crown Him with Many Crowns


**Commissioning and Benediction


**Choral Benediction: (Don Besig/Nancy Price)

Go now in peace, never be afraid,

God will go with you each hour of every day.

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true,

Know God will guide you in all you do.

Go now in love, and show you believe,

Reach out to others so all the world can see,


God will be there watching us in love,

Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Amen. Amen. Amen!


Postlude: Sortie (Marchello)



Worship Leader for Sunday April 28th:

Rev. Ian Mackay

Lay Reader for Sunday April 28th:

Jane Mackay

Greeter for Sunday April 28th:

Rob Tapscott












Vera Brown  April 4th

Wanda Asselstine  April 29th

May God’s richest blessings

shine upon you!!






BIRTHDAY SUNDAY: Wishing everyone who celebrates a birthday in April a very happy birthday! Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. May God’s richest blessings rest upon you!!

TRINITY SHARING CUPBOARD: The cupboard will be open May 1st

and May 15th from 2-4pm. Recently, the addition of some toiletries has been appreciated by our families – for example soap, shampoo, disposable wipes. Your support for this vital outreach is priceless!


YOUTH CHOIR CONCERT: The youth have been busily preparing for their annual concert and are excited to invite you to their shared performances with the Odessa Children’s Choir on Sunday April 28th at 2:30pm here at Trinity United Church, and again on Saturday May 4th at 2:30pm at Emmanuel United Church in Odessa (63 Factory Street).


FRONTENAC WOMENS CHORUS CONCERT: Prepare to be swept away by the Frontenac Women’s Chorus once again, presenting Songs of Life and Love. On Saturday May 4th at 7pm here at Trinity United Church. Admission is by freewill donation, and a food item for the food bank.


THE LITTLE MERMAID: Jocelyn will be playing Ursula in the Bottle Tree Production rendition of “The Little Mermaid Jr” taking place at the Grand Theatre (Baby Grand) in May. For anyone interested in seeing the production and supporting Jocelyn, tickets can be purchased through the Grand Theatre Website or by calling the box office at 613-530-2050. A quick look at the website shows only 1 show remains (May 10th at 7:30pm) with tickets where Jocelyn will play the role of Ursula (she is playing on the other dates as well, but us in an alternate role), so get your tickets fast!


QUILT HANGING: If you have a moment, please go into the church hall to admire a beautiful quilt hanging on the wall. This quilt was provided by one of the Trinity Quilters for a couple months. This quilt was made by Linda Kendall and was her first quilt using 7 different quilting techniques.